Live happier? YES PLEASE!

How well are you managing the stress, really?   
Take this Free Quiz and see where you land on the stress continuum. 

Let's get started!

I watched my fit husband die at 40.

When my fit husband died at forty from a cancerous tumor with little to no symptoms, it left stress to blame and lots of questions to be answered.

I listened as he took his last breath, walked out of the hospital and straight into living in a state of complete overwhelm that quickly turned into high-functioning anxiety. I was never calm.

My nervous system was instantly wrecked, as I began living in a constant state of fight-or-flight. 

As I began searching for answers, I learned about the microbiome and the power of this second brain. Ten years later, I am honored to be able to take what began as my pain and share it with you.

Maybe your there now.


as seen in:






Welcome to the Stop Faking Fine podcast, a show that will empower you to finally show up for yourself. Your host, Dana Lewis, was the queen of faking fine after losing her husband unexpectedly to cancer.

We all create walls around us in order to survive the chaos of grief--whether it's caused by the death of a loved one, loss of a job, divorce, or anything that makes us wonder "how did this become my life?" 

Dana is here to encourage you not to settle! In this podcast, she shares insight, strategies, and interviews with people who have been down these stressful roads, replaced their unhealthy patterns, and learned to thrive! 

Dana will help you recognize and let go of the habits that are no longer serving you, and provide simple sustainable action steps to implement with each episode. It’s time to stop faking fine, because you are worth so much more. 

Your circumstances may not be 100% your fault, but Your Life is 100% your Responsibility.  



020: Preventing Dementia: The Power of Everyday Habits 

019: Gut Check: What your doctor isn’t telling you about antidepressants

with Dr. Sally Good

with Dr. Shawn Talbott

018: Addressing Anxiety in Youth Sports 

with Coach Michael Atunrase

015: Reprogram Your Metabolism for Weight Loss

with Dr. Shawn Talbott

grab this free

Your guide to lowering your stress hormone and ditching inflammation one bite at a time.

free cheat sheet here



the Dana Lewis

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hot off the press?

Dana's most recent blog picks

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Are you ready to take the next step in your 

health journey,
learn how to get your stress to work for you,
and accelerate your results


The Stop Faking Fine Membership

  1. Coaching with me!
  2. LIVE weekly calls where you will have the opportunity to submit your specific questions. 
  3. A deeper understanding of how to apply the Nutrition Cheat Sheet
    and how to navigate the grocery store with ease. 
  4. A library of resources to help you on your cortisol journey as you go from STRESSED to your BEST.

Learn more

Manage stress better so you can show up for your life better.

It’s not as complicated as you’re making it. 

The gut plays a pivotal role in supporting stress hormone regulation by producing neurotransmitters like serotonin and gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA), which influence mood and help modulate the way the body handles stress.

🛒 Shop my protocol caffeine free →

🛒 Shop my protocol w/caffeine →

Your gut microbiome is the missing link for balancing cortisol and showing up at your best.

My Supplement Protocol

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